"He instinctively can find the shining greatness of our American culture and does a good job of highlighting it (although he also does have those rare lapses when he writes about hockey, but that is something caused by impurities in the Eastern waters or something)." Erik Keilholtz
Under the patronage of St. Tammany
Mark C. N. Sullivan is an editor at a Massachusetts university. He is married and the father of three children. Email
Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night, notes Thos Fitzpatrick, who is mounting a Pope's Day defense of Pickering Wharf.
Mark the day by occasion by lighting a bonfire and sending a Gunpowder Plot e-card, but remember to be considerate toward the firemen and the horses.
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Go Nats: The Washington NL baseball team reportedly will call itself the Nationals, the George Will- and Irish Elk-preferred nickname, and it says here, a good choice. The "Nationals" was long a primary name of the old AL team, as you can see on the Washington cards in this classic 1955 Topps set, and makes even more sense for a National League team.
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When He Goes to Shake My Hand, Grab the Bag and Run Like Hell. Modern Drunkard looks at booze ads of yesteryear.