"He instinctively can find the shining greatness of our American culture and does a good job of highlighting it (although he also does have those rare lapses when he writes about hockey, but that is something caused by impurities in the Eastern waters or something)." Erik Keilholtz
Under the patronage of St. Tammany
Mark C. N. Sullivan is an editor at a Massachusetts university. He is married and the father of three children. Email
A case of Narragansett beer was left on the doorstep of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Monday after President Obama called a meeting between himself, Gates, and Sgt. Crowley (the arresting officer who also received a case of 'Gansett) at the White House to have a beer.
The 16-oz. can o' Gansett is Irish Elk's choice for tonight's home beer-summit.
And while on the subject of beer:
A selection of numbers and statistics filed under "beer" in the Harper's Index:
4/85Number of beer cans manufactured since they were introduced in 1935: 610,000,000,000 1/87Percentage increase in U.S. sales of Mexican beer in 1985: 60 8/87Takes required to film Tip O’Neill’s Miller Lite commercial: 79 10/88Average number of times a beer bottle in Japan is reused: 20 7/88Price paid in West Virginia last April for a case of Billy Beer: $2,000 1/92Liters of beer an escaped circus bear in the Ukraine drank in the Kharkov town square before being recaptured: 3 6/93Price of golf, dinner, beer, and a “cart dance” by a topless female caddie at Fort Worth’s New Orleans Nights club: $620 1/94Amount Miller Brewing spends each year to promote its Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund: $300,000 Amount it spends each year to endow the scholarship: $150,000 5/98Cans of beer the U.S. Navy requisitions for each sailor completing 45 days at sea: 2